Race Report – 2022 UK National XCO Championships – Kirroughtree

The 2022 British Cycling National Championships took us to the great venue of Kirroughtree Forest, Dumfries & Galloway.


The weather turned Friday night making the course a muddy , wet & slippy one! With non stop rain for the Open/Sport/Expert race it was a bleak slog for the riders with most descents un-rideable for all but the most skilled.


Sport/Expert Male

1.Jared Linden – Livingston Cycling Club

2.Neil Scott – Deeside Thistle CC

3.Samuel Holder – Liverpool Century RC

Open Male

1.Josh Matthews

2.Sam Gurling

3.Mike Harper – Albarosa Cycling Club

Open Female

1.Sofia Christiansen – Galloway Hillbillies Bike

2.Charlotte McDowall

3.Katrina Jenkinson


After even more rain on Saturday night the course was looking bleak meaning the organisers had to take the executive decision to scrape the top surface off the final descent in a bid to make it more rideable. Thankfully the weather improved on Sunday and the rain ceased causing the course to begin to dry out.

Youth Male

1.Max Standen – Southfork Racing

2.Oscar Gaylor -Team RL360 Isle Of Man

3.Alex Hart – Mid Shropshire Wheelers

Youth Female

1.Daisy Taylor – Royal Albert CC

2.Madeline Moorhouse Smith – Shibden Cycling Club

3.Tulsi Bakrania – WXC World Racing

Juvenile Male

1.Leon Atkins – Welwyn Wheelers CC

2.Gus Lawson – Pentland Racers

3.Arthur Limb – Matlock CC

Juvenile Female

1.Aelwen Davies – RR23

2.Zoe Roche – WXC World Racing

3.Mazie Harper

Male Veterans

1.Adrian Lansley – Pedalon.co.uk

2.Matt Lawton – Macclesfield Wheelers

3.Philip Holwell -Peak Road Club

Male Grand Veterans

1.Nicholas Craig – SCOTT Racing

2.Ian Taylor – Shibden Cycling Club

3.Douglas Cameron

Male Super Veterans

1.Peter Harris – Pearce Cycles RT

2.Grant Johnson

3.Bruce Rollinson – All Terrain Cycles Ride

Male Masters

1.Ross Thorley – Manx Viking Wheelers CC

2.Daniel Moore – Muckle Cycle Club

3.Nathan Wilson – Wilsons Wheels Race Team

Female Veterans

1.Ceris Styler – Backstedt Bike Perform

2.Helen Jackson – Kendal Cycle Club

3.Ruth Fraser-Moodie

Female Grand/Super Veterans

1.VirginiaRoberts – Albion Cycling Co

2.Lindsay Newman – Pedal Power

3.Carolyn Speirs – Kendal Cycle Club

Female Elite

1.Annie Last – SCOTT Racing

2.Evie Richards – Trek Factory Racing XC

3.Isla Short

4.Grace Inglis – Muckle Cycle Club

5.Amy Henchoz

Female U23

1.Harriet Harnden – Trek Factory Racing XC

2.Elena McGorum – Peebles CC

3.Anna Flynn – Spectra Wiggle p/b Vitus

4.Mieke Kalmijn – Edinburgh University CC

5.Emily Bridson – Pine Sport

Female Juniors

1.Ella Maclean-Howell – Tofauti Everyone Active

2.Emily Carrick-Anderson – T-Mo Racing

3.Kacey Eyeington – Derwentside CC

4.Libby Bell – Garden Shed UK-Ribble

5.Evie Steed – Sherwood Pines Cycles

Male Elite

1.Cameron Orr – Team Inspired

2.Thomas Mein – WiV Sungod

3.Isaac Mundy – Spectra Wiggle p/b Vitus

4.Cameron Mason – TRINITY Road Racing

5.Ben Wadey

Male U23

1.Charlie Aldridge – SCOTT Racing

2.Joseph Blackmore – Team Inspired

3.Rory McGuire – Leslie Bike Shop-Bikers Boutique

Male Juniors

1.Max Greensill – Hope Factory Racing

2.Bjoern Koerdt – Shibden Cycling Club

3.Nathan Smith – Hope Factory Racing

4.Ben Askey – FlandersColor Galloo

5.Tom Scott – Trek Sheffield Fox Valley

Well done to all the new National Champions & everyone else who raced this brutal course!
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