Valdivia in Chillie will host the first UCI MTB Continental Series race of the Americas, racing takes place

Friday 31st January
18:15-18:30 XCC open women
18:40-18:55 XCC open men
19:15-19:30 XCC elite women
19:40-19:55 XCC elite men
Saturday 1st February
12:00-13:30 Men’s start – Masters C1, C2, D and E and Beginners
13:35-15:05 Amateur start, Master A, Master B1 and B2
15:10-16:10 Promotional A and B and Min
Sunday 2nd February
11:00 – 12:30 XCO Junior Boys
12:45 – 14:15 XCO Elite Women Under 23 Women Junior Women
14:30 – 16:00 XCO Elite Men Under 23 Men
The Course
Check out the course below!
Distance: 3.6KM Climbing: 170 Meters